Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fall Has Arrived!

Fall is my favorite time of the year. What's not to love? The leaves change, the temperatures drop, you can wear scarves without looking weird and you can drink your favorite hot beverage without sweating!

I have loved Fall for as long as I can remember. For the reasons above and also because if you are in the process of losing weight, you can find different clothing items to take you through that transition period. Whether scarves, boots, sweaters, belts, the list goes on and on.

My schedule has been packed lately and I must admit that my working out and eating healthy has fallen by the wayside. In a recent post, I described how I have been gravitating towards fast foods that are also unhealthy foods. In my mind, I tell myself that I am going to get back to C25K. The only bad thing with that is that I have told myself that very same thing for the last 3 weeks.

At times, I put too much pressure on myself. When it comes to C25K, I put pressure on myself because (for me) I have to burn more calories than I did the previous time because if I don't I feel like I have failed myself. The same goes for eating. More often than not, I will eat what I want but there are times when I won't eat something or will work out longer because of the fear of going over my daily allotted calories. Again, it comes down to me putting to much pressure on myself.

Starting today, I am changing how this blog operates. I have used this since January to chronicle my weight loss, the highs, the lows and everything in between. But today, this blog is becoming more of a lifestyle blog. I will continue to chronicle my weight loss (or at times gains) while also chronicling different aspects of my life; such as plus size clothing finds, the long road before college graduation and my dreams of making it in the public relations world.

So, why is this post titled Fall Has Arrived? Because, for me, Fall is a time to find myself, to be comfortable and once I have done that it is as if a new person has arrived. Today, that person is here and she isn't going anywhere.

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