Saturday, January 12, 2013

Review of Fitbit Zip

While browsing in the electronics section at Target, I stumbled across a wireless activity tracker by Fitbit. Anytime I see a new gadget that I think may work for me (no matter what program I am on) I get excited and must have it at that moment or I will not rest until it is in my hands. That was the case with the Fitbit Zip.

I immediately pulled out my phone and searched Google for information relating to this product. When directed to the Fitbit website ( I saw that there (at the time of my purchase) were two products being produced; the Zip and the One -- Fitbit is now taking orders for the Flex. Both devices track steps taken, calories burned and your distance traveled. The One, on the other hand, also tracks stairs climbed, hours and quality of sleep.

I knew that at the moment, I didn't need my sleep pattern tracked so I went with the zip. After four days of deliberation and research, I purchased the Fitbit Zip (which retails for $59.99) from Target a week ago today. I can definitely say, there was no sticker shock when I read the price since the price of everything under the sun has gone up in recent years.

Right out of the box I was eager to use it. After setting the device up (basic information, height, weight, age, etc.) -- step by step instructions are included and should take less than 5 minutes to set up, I noticed that it was showing 35 steps and about 200 calories burned. I knew this was way off since I hadn't moved a muscle since setting it up. I began to wonder, did I purchase a device that wasn't worth the money?

I immediately visited the Fitbit community (yes, with the purchase of a Fitbit product you can track your information online or with an app for your mobile device) to seek answers to my question. I was told that the Fitbit measures the calories you burn just by staying alive.  That explained why there were already calories burned on my Zip.

I knew that seeing the calories I was burning by just staying alive would annoy me so I disabled that function and decided to use my Zip as an activity tracker that displays steps, distance traveled, time and a smiley face emoticon that changes with the intensity of your activity.

Seeing my numbers (i.e., steps and distance traveled)  on the screen pushes me to do more and push myself to new levels. The more steps you take, the more step badges you can earn, the more calories you burn and essentially the more weight you lose.

Over the course of the past week I have fallen in love with my Zip and am glad that I purchased it. It takes a few minutes to get used to but it is worth it in the long run and it is a device that will push you to new levels.

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