Monday, January 28, 2013

Take Action

Today, my devotional featured the following sentence, "How often do you find yourself putting off things that you dread doing?" My answer, very often. This can be my school work or more recently, losing weight.

When it came to losing weight, I would put it off and tell myself that I would start a new journey in a certain month or I would start working out on a certain day -- those days came and I did start a new journey or start working out and guess what, it didn't last.

I wasn't motivated enough to make a change until recently. I always tell myself I don't want to be this size forever and I don't. It wasn't until I took action on January 2 that I realized I really want this more than anything right now. I want to lose weight and I want to get in shape.

I don't want to be plagued by health conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes, I just want to live a healthy lifestyle and actually feel good about my body. Growing up you never realize what society says is wrong with your body.

When I look in the mirror I am constantly reminded of what I have gone through to get here. I see the muffin top, which shows years of eating very unhealthy foods. I see stretch marks, which shows me gaining weight rapidly and losing weight (after all, you get stretch marks from either gaining weight or losing weight). I see the arm giggle which results from fat with no muscle. My thighs rub together, but hey, there is a famous picture of Marilyn Monroe with the quote "proof that you can be adored by thousands of men, even when your thighs touch".

Everything that I have just named is what society has deemed unacceptable, but it is what I deem a work in process. With dedication and (extremely) hard work, one day I won't have a muffin top, one day my arms won't giggle when I hold them out and rapidly move them back and forth and my thighs won't touch. But that day isn't tomorrow, that day is somewhere in the future and that day wouldn't have been possible unless I started to take action.


  1. Ugh, I can completely relate. I can't count how many times I would put off making changes. Congrats on finding the willpower to start, I know how hard it's been!

    1. It was definitely hard to stick to at first, because losing weight sounds like a great thing in your mind but you have to be motivated enough to continue on that journey. Thanks for stopping by!!
