Thursday, February 21, 2013

Why Am I Here?

Prior to this year, I never buckled down and made myself commit to losing weight. I always said I wanted to do it, exercised for a little while then stopped because I wasn't into it. This year that changed, this year I wanted to commit to something and I knew it was going to be finally losing weight.

My motivation is my upcoming birthday in which I turn 21!! I know, this will be a big birthday for me and I want to look my best. Not only do I want to look my best, I want to feel my best. I want to take pictures without trying to figure out how to turn so that my full body is not captured, I want to take FULL LENGTH pictures so that I can look back on them and see how far I have come. I want to know that I am healthier than when I started, that I have turned my life around for the better, that I am doing something I want to do.

It took me this long to accept my body and know that I want to change the way I look at it. I have always been on the "larger" side my entire life but society has deemed the infamous "thin is in" and what else was I supposed to do but feel self conscious when everyone around you was conforming to societies standards. Not anymore, every real woman I have ever known has things they want to change about themselves; their thighs touch, they have a slight muffin top, etc. - they all have something society would deem undesirable. But guess what, those women - who are all in my family, are some of the most successful women that I have ever known and I am proud of that.

Sweat is definitely fat crying as it leaves your body and if I have to sweat buckets to reach my goal (the process of working out makes me feel powerful, makes me feel like I can do anything, etc.) then I am prepared to sweat those buckets out. From this quote, I can definitely say that my body has been crying a lot lately and I am fine with that.

We have to change what society deems "acceptable" and that takes baby steps. This journey is full of baby steps, but when you turn around and look back, those baby steps definitely make up a bigger journey that is worthwhile; you may not see it now, but give it some time and you will. On this journey you have to do what makes you feel good, what makes you feel powerful, what makes you feel on top of the world. Ultimately, you have to ask yourself "why am I here?" and the answer might surprise you.

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