Thursday, March 21, 2013


Looking back on this journey, there are so many times when I could have given up. As you know by now, I have this one dreaded class this semester that is taking a toll on my body. Dealing with this class leaves me stressed, fatigued and feeling horrible. My outlet truly is exercise and watching what I eat.

This past week was definitely the time where if I truly put my mind to it (and no one else wanted any) I could have devoured an half of carton of mint chocolate chip ice cream; but I didn't. Mainly because I didn't want to have to log that into LoseIt! and if I had eaten it, I would have felt worse when there wasn't any left.

In order for me to succeed on this journey, I have to stick to what I truly want to achieve,  I have to remember my short (birthday) and long term (graduation) goals. No matter what obstacles I face (mainly that dreadful accounting for non-business majors course) I know that it will only get better and that I can succeed on this journey.

Losing weight is hard enough as it is without added stressful situation, but I have to keep my eye on the prize. Once the weight is gone, the battle isn't over. I have to maintain that (even in stressful situations) but right now, getting to the gym and eating right is helping me get rid of the excess fat I have accumulated over the years (which definitely wasn't hard to do). I have to stick to my plan, it will pay off in the end.


  1. Remember, you are important. You need your body to last the rest of your life. This class is just temporary, it will stop and the tough times may end for a bit. Just keep your head up and keep on going. It will get easier!

    1. You're right, it will get easier and I have to focus on my body because that does have to carry me for the rest of my life, not that class.

  2. It sounds like your handling the stress in the right way and with the right attitude. It can be hard to remember that there is nothing you can eat that will do anything for the stress you are facing. Just the same, ducking exercise will not improve it either.

    Stay strong! You're doing great and the course will be over before you know it :D

    1. Exercising has definitely been my biggest help when it comes to handling that stress, which is definitely good, because I am becoming stress free while getting in a good workout.
