Saturday, March 16, 2013

Weigh-In Day

Since today's weigh in resulted in no change, I decided to take some new measurements. There may not be much of a change (if any) but as long as I'm not gaining inches, I am fine.

Here are January's measurements:
Neck - 15
Bust - 49
Chest - 42
Waist - 47
Hips - 53
Thighs - 28
Calves - 17
Upper Arm - 14 (left) and 15 (right)
Forearm - 11

Here are March's measurements:
Neck - 15
Bust - 47
Chest - 41
Waist - 46
Hips - 51
Thighs - 28 (both)
Calves - 17 (both)
Upper Arm - 14 (both)
Forearm - 11

I was pretty bummed to see my weight didn't change but I was very excited to see that I lost inches in my bust, chest, waist and hips areas. That has left me with a permanent smile for the night and lets me know that I am doing something right.

Next week it's back to taking the time to record every meal I eat on Lose It! and exercising (going to the gym and taking at least 30 minutes for myself when I can't make it to the gym), this weight loss journey won't be (and hasn't necessarily been) easy but in the long run it will pay off.


  1. That sucks that you had no weight loss, but YAY for losing inches! They do say it's the most accurate way to measure weight loss anyway. An inch off your waist and 2 off your hips in a month is pretty phenomenal.

    I love your attitude too. You're so focused and motivated. It's really infectious :D

  2. I was amazed at what I saw and had to measure twice to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. It has taken me a while to get motivated but I am glad that I have finally found some motivation. Thanks for the kind words!!
